Nathan Phillips Square

There’s a band stand in the City Hall square.


Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town: The Census

Germany has discovered that it has fewer people than estimated, because people forget to notify the government when they move away.

That inevitably reminded me of Stephen Leacock’s explanation of population fluctuations in the little town of Mariposa:

In point of population, if one must come down to figures, the Canadian census puts the numbers every time at something round five thousand. But it is very generally understood in Mariposa that the census is largely the outcome of malicious jealousy. It is usual that after the census the editor of the Mariposa Newspacket makes a careful reestimate (based on the data of relative non-payment of subscriptions), and brings the population up to 6,000. After that the Mariposa Times-Herald makes an estimate that runs the figures up to 6,500. Then Mr. Gingham, the undertaker, who collects the vital statistics for the provincial government, makes an estimate from the number of what he calls the “demised” as compared with the less interesting persons who are still alive, and brings the population to 7,000. After that somebody else works it out that it’s 7,500; then the man behind the bar of the Mariposa House offers to bet the whole room that there are 9,000 people in Mariposa. That settles it, and the population is well on the way to 10,000, when down swoops the federal census taker on his next round and the town has to begin all over again.

Song: My Little Town

Paul Simon sings, “My Little Town.”

Transit strike is narrowly averted

The Toronto Transit Commission and the city went down to the wire and then some with a 4:00 p.m. deadline. At 6:00 p.m. they announced a tentative deal. Basically, it gives the transit union what they asked for: transit strike is narrowly averted.

Toronto: view up University Avenue

This was taken on a rainy day in march, looking north on University Avenue in Toronto from a my current contract on Front Street.

THIS POST WAS made later and BACKDATED to the date when the picture was taken.