Your weekly Charlie

The Charlie Hebdo (“weekly Charlie”) cover shows Mohammed holding up a sign that reads, “Je suis Charlie.”

All is forgiven: Mohammad holds up a sign reading, “Je suis Charlie.”

The unbelievers: New Atheism and the Old Boys’ Club

The unbelievers: New Atheism and the Old Boys’ Club

Bitch Magazine points out

“From Madalyn Murray O’Hair, the founder of American Atheists, whose 1963 Supreme Court lawsuit brought an end to prayer in public schools, to Sergeant Kathleen Johnson, who started an organization for atheists in the United States military, to Debbie Goddard, founder of African Americans for Humanism, countless women have worked as successful atheist activists.”

It goes even further back. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were atheists, pointing out that God made a perfect enforcer for men’s prejudices.

Sunday musings

Wiccan pentacle

Ten years old is when my son decided he wanted to be a Pagan. In my very occasional churchgoing, I had just heard a guest pastor praising a ten-year-old in some other country for choosing Christianity. So I knew that he was old enough to make his own religious decisions and said, “Fine.”

The hobo code of conduct

PZ Myers on Pharyngula pointed out that the hobo ethical code forbids molesting children or letting others get away with it. That puts them one up on the practices of the Roman Catholic Church.

13. Do not allow other hobos to molest children, expose all molesters to authorities, they are the worst garbage to infest any society.

God the Father?

I don’t know about that.


What have you done with your life?

If you’re remembered for your peripheral part in a big story, will that satisfy you?