Pilates, 2010 April 3

We went to Pilates this morning, for a fairly tough workout that included several repetitions of the manoeuvre on the left.

See Coyne Pilates in Toronto.

Pilates, March 25

pilates-pelvic-tilt-smWe had a tough lesson last night at Coyne Pilates. (LotStreetWiz wisely declined to go.) We did a lot of sit-ups: rolling up and down, pausing half-way, and turning from side to side. My abs are sore today. I’d call that a good lesson.

Pilates, 2010 March 20

I had another Pilates lesson today; this one was fairly gentle, with a lot of arm and neck movements. The studio is very nice, with a view over a wooded valley. At one moment, a red-tailed hawk flew past the window.

Pilates, etc.

I’m neglecting my blog. I’ve been busy with a contract. But I’ve also started doing Pilates twice a week, more or less. I’m nearly over the sore muscles of re-starting Pilates. I’ve finally set up a desk in a convenient location. I might get some indoor cycling workouts.

I’m slowly exploring a big bag of science-fiction magazines that a friend gave me. The weather continues alternately cold and fine, with hardly any snow cover. And I’m still here.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Pilates, May 27

We had Pilates lessons again. I’m pleased that our group has finally moved up to the Intermediate level. We had a nice, relaxing lesson at Coyne Pilates.

Pilates lesson, December 3


I booted back from Brampton to a short Pilates lesson featuring lots of core body exercises.